Welcome to the Academy of  Advanced Changework where we provide high quality professional Level 1, Clinical Hypnotherapy training, Level 2, Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy training, as well as NLP training, and post-trauma stress training.

Level 1:  Clinical Hypnotherapy Training

Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Clinical Diploma in NLP


Fast-track Clinical Hypnotherapy Training for Mental Health Therapists


Apply before the early bird deadline below & save up to $1000 off course fees for our next Hypnotherapy Diploma Training










“The scope and depth of the training provided by Karen & Paul, is second to none. […] they are always willing to help, advise, and develop you as both an individual and as a therapist.”


~ Mark Clutton

Level 2: Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy Training

Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy Training for Qualified Therapists


Advanced Diploma Course for Qualified Hypnotherapists



"It was the best thing I ever did. Course was amazing […] teaching methods are excellent, I learned so much! This course also transformed my life personally, while doing the training, because as student you are on the receiving side of the hypnosis as well..."   

Diana Hayes

Free Hypnotic Sandwich Blog~
Learn, refresh and be inspired!

Whether you're new to hypnotherapy, need a refresher having been away for a while, or looking to be inspired? 


10 reasons why hypnotherapy should be in your toolkit  

Not all psychotherapists are trained to use hypnotherapy; however, here are 10 very important reasons why they should consider using it!

Learn more

Therapy & Coaching with Karen Bartle, MSc 

For confidence, stress, anxiety, smoking,  addictions, PTSD, fears, phobias, trauma,  hypertension, OCD, motivation, depression, insomnia, and more...

Learn more

More testimonials from some of our Graduates 

Check out what a few more of our graduates thought about their training with us


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"This course has given me not only the skills to be a hypnotherapist but the therapeutic practice we did on ourselves and each other in class has been of tremendous personal benefit to me. I have overcome many fears, gained a huge amount of personal confidence, am more relaxed and able to see things in their true perspective." 

~ Sarah Rogers

Call for more details:
 Internationally +61 7 5329 2293 or within Australia (07) 5329 2293