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About us

Hypnotherapy Courses

Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP Diploma Training 

Fast-track Clinical Hypnotherapy Training for Mental Health Therapists  

Level 1 Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training for Mental Health Therapists

Level 2 Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training for Mental Health Therapists

Development Courses

Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

Certificate in Stress Management 

Diploma in NLP for Therapists 

Certificate in Hypnotic Coaching 

Therapy & Coaching

Therapy & Coaching for Cardiovascular Disease

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Hypnosis to Lose Weight   

Alleviate post-trauma stress

Clinical supervision

Post-trauma stress supervision for Practitioners 

Practice Building Hub for Hypnotherapists 


Overeating Management Program

Free webinars & eBooks

Reversing Hypertension free webinar 

Reversing Inflammation free webinar 

The Advanced Hypnotherapist

Hypnotic Sandwich Blog 

The Language of Resilience  

Kick procrastination to the curb & succeed in your weight loss efforts!

Resilience for managing chronic conditions

The power of relaxation for losing weight

Is hypnotherapy about to be regulated?

How is hypnotherapy different to meditation?

How does hypnotherapy help with needle phobia?

Why psychologists should have hypnotherapy in their toolkit

How does hypnotherapy work?

How does hypnotherapy build resilience?

Hypnotherapy for diabetes

How hypnotherapy helps to regulate emotions during stress

Hypnotherapy to change behaviour

Can I fall asleep during hypnotherapy and does it matter if I do?

How to find a good Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course 

"It's not working!" 24 factors that can impede change. 

Why weight is a concern for people presenting for smoking cessation

What issues can hypnotherapy help with?


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Supervision for Hypnotherapists


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Clinical Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy 


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