Carbon monoxide & smoking; read on before taking your next shot of nicotine!

These days a smoker would be hard pushed to not be aware of the links between smoking and lung disease/cancer, but were you aware that it's now the...

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A smoker's guide to reframing excuses for quitting smoking

Are you a smoker or know someone who is? Do you hear the same excuses time after time about why smoking is so easy and quitting is so hard?


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Using mindfulness to control stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are everywhere in the world right now; there is so much for us to worry about right?

When we're stressed it means we are not...

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Dealing with the grief of losing someone to cardiovascular disease (CVD)

I’ve never been one for remembering anniversaries of people’s deaths.

Growing up I used to think that remembering and ruminating on...

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Cut the junk, go easy on the salt, and look after your heart

We are a global community of salt lovers, the more we have the more we want!

Our consumption of energy-dense foods that are high in saturated fats,...

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Are you looking after your heart? How to reduce your risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes a range of conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. The most serious types of CVD include...

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What to do when a client seems too deep in trance to engage with a therapist.
We've all experienced it, especially in the early days of our practice, where a client has taken themselves into a very deep trance and we, as...
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Is learning to be a hypnotherapist at a distance a good idea?

Distance learning courses do not have the associated costs of venue hire, refreshments, and transport for the school. This brings down the price,...

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Hypnotherapy track for relaxation and confidence

A great example of how we may use hypnotherapy for helping us feel relaxed and confident. 

It incorporates Guided Imagery, Progressive...

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Hypnosis4Change ~ New Facebook Group to learn more about hypnosis and hypnotherapy

There's a lot of information out there these days helping people to learn about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. A lot of it is in the form of groups and...

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Deepening Trance During Hypnotherapy

Deepeners are an important part of the hypnotherapeutic process and despite being metaphorical, anyone who has deepened a trance knows that this is...

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Learn how hypnotherapy helped Geoff manage his anxiety & asthmaĀ attacks

Geoff suffered from asthma; his airways were narrowed and swollen and he was producing extra mucus. He was finding it difficult to breathe and was...

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