Hypnotherapy & NLP for a needle phobia; read Kate's story

Kate was in her late 20’s and worked as a childcarer in a pre-school centre. She attended with a severe needle phobia which had been...

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How to overcome a phobia using hypnotherapy & NLP

Phobias are common in the general population (around 6%). They are more common in women (8%) than men (3.4%) and many specific fears do not cause...

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Hypnotherapy to help effectively manage endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic condition associated with severe pain, abdominal bloating, nausea, fatigue, and sometimes depression, anxiety, and...

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Hypnotherapy to lose weight 

Hypnotherapy is a very effective method of managing weight, especially weight loss.

There are many approaches we can use including quick-fix,...

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Hypnosis to relax

Having a set of ways to effectively and easily relax is an essential component of living a healthy and happy quality of life.

Learning to...

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10 reasons why every psychotherapist should have hypnotherapy in their toolkit.

Hypnotherapy has a substantial and growing evidence base. In 2001, the Professional Affairs Board of the British Psychological Society (BPS)...

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Why we should be encouraging butyrate to reduce weight and prevent obesity

Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid made by the health-promoting bacteria in our gut on the breakdown of dietary fibre. It has many functions...

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How does hypnotherapy work?

The first session called an 'initial assessment', gives the therapist and client the opportunity to get to know one another and begin to build...

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4 reasons why your weight may be contributing to your infertility

Being overweight or underweight has been found to have a significant impact on an ability to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

If you or...

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Hypnotherapy to build resilience

We’re all in the game of dealing with setbacks, disappointments, challenges, and stress, as well as all the good stuff, and even that can...

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A special technique for triggering confidence

This versatile technique can be used for lots of different psychological issues e.g., relaxation, performance, managing cravings/habits,...

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How can mindfulness reduce stress?

Stress is about overwhelm in the present because typically we are doing too much for the capacity we are able to run at with the resources we have...

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